Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Posted by Lucas Green

I will start out by saying that this administration's proposed health-care reforms are NOT everything I want from our country. However, I am flabbergasted and enraged at the amount of bullshit that is coming from a lot of other people who are opposed. There are so many incredibly false and inflammatory claims about what this bill does that are easily refuted and clearly false. The outrageous thing is that when someone opposes this bill based on points that are irrefutably shown to be false, the opposition still stands. This makes me think that the opposition comes not from a disagreement about issues and methodology but, rather, from partisan differences and in some cases, possibly, racist motivations.
Try it yourself.
  1. Find someone who is opposed to the healthcare plan.
  2. Ask them WHY.
  3. If they answer with anything like "DEATH PANELS" or "The government will provide health coverage to illegal aliens." or "I don't want the government deciding what doctor I can see and what treatments I can have." or "I don't want government plans forced on me." simply show them the facts.
  4. Be astonished when they still oppose the plan despite the fact that every reason they have to be against it is patently false.

You may find some people who oppose the plan because they favor something that is even more radical: Completely Universal Government Run Health Care.
Those are few and far between depending on your social circles.
I have often used the analogy of the fire department and the police force to illustrate why the current way of doing things is utterly ridiculous. Suppose your house has caught fire. The first thing you do is call 911 and get the fire department there to put the fire out. You would not worry if this particular fire is covered by your insurance or, worse yet, freak out because you don't have fire fighter insurance. Same goes for the police department. If you get attacked and harassed and you call the police and they swoop in like magic heroes and catch the bad guy, making you safe and sound once again, you do not expect to receive a bill in the mail for thousands of dollars because you don't have police insurance. This is because both of those vital services are provided by the government automatically, no questions asked. These services are expensive and they are paid for by the government using your tax dollars. The same should go for healthcare. Your body and well being are vastly more important than your home and all your precious stuff in it so, to not have that covered by the same provider that catches your bad guys and puts out your fires is freaking STUPID.
Then just this morning I find a video made by the guys at Earthly Comics that uses the exact same analogy but explains everything in video form so people don't have to use their looking balls to read stupid wordz, ugh! It's a pretty great video and here it is.