Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Musings of The Day

Posted by Lucas Green

When trying to catch a cat, don't be gentle. Go for the head and if you're lucky you just might catch him by the tail.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Glorious Dawn

Posted by Lucas Green

There are some people doing some pretty entertaining but mostly just funny remixes of popular video/audio mostly using a backing beat and an autotuner but this guy made something that I find to be pretty awesome.

Here's his channel.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Horton Hears A Who

Posted by Lucas Green

A while back I watched the old animated version of Horton Hears a Who with Laurel. I remember being particularly moved by the story and Laurel even cried a little. The Whos' struggle to be heard and Horton's efforts to save them from a doom brought on by their obscurity really highlighted a myriad of social injustices. Homosexual civil rights, class warfare, healthcare tragedies, etc. are often ignored by the good while the evil people of the world tramp all over them. We should all strive to "hear a Who."
Not long after watching it, though, I began to think that it could have been intended as an anti-abortion story especially with the oft-repeated line "A person is a person, no matter how small." I began to wonder if one of the beloved Dr. Seuss classics was actually just a pro-life whining session. The book was written in 1954 but the "abortion debate" is a lot older than some of us realize.
No worries though, a little internet research cleared that shit right up. It seems that Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss) was inspired by the mistreatment of Japanese-American citizens during WWII and the post WWII US occupation of Japan. He even dedicated the book to a Japanese friend of his. Given the original sentiments of the story I'm sure he intended to highlight the abuse and exploitation of all the world's downtrodden minorities.
Of course, I wasn't the only one to notice the apparent apt-ness of this story in relation to the abortion debate and pro-lifers everywhere have taken up the mantra "A person is a person, no matter how small." to support their case. Even though I had settled the question of the original intention I still wondered how Seuss would react to this usage of his work. Alas, the internet has come to rescue once again. Philip Nel is a Seuss biographer and according to him Seuss threatened pro-life groups with a lawsuit for using his words on their stationery. Audrey Geisel, Seuss' widow, even said that the good doctor did not approve of these groups using his words to support their point of view.

Well there, it's ok with Dr. Seuss if you kill your fetus.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

This Guy's Head Nearly Explodes

Posted by Lucas Green

This is a little old as Rev. Manning makes references to Barack Obama's upcoming loss in the presidential election but you should totally watch this if you want a good laugh. It's a little long at almost 7 minutes but it seriously keeps getting better and better and better.

Black People Slap Obama's Mama - Watch today’s top amazing videos here

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Posted by Lucas Green

Hmm. I'm attempting to post from my phone but it won't recognize the box you type in marked "compose" but it will let type in it when I select "edit HTML" so we'll see what happens.

Ok I just previewed the post and it works. This means I can avoid writing in a blog even from my bed!!!

Monday, September 07, 2009


Posted by Lucas Green

The Men Who Stare At Goats



The Wolfman

Capitalism - A Love Story


Big Fan

Law Abiding Citizen

Where The Wild Things Are

Good Hair

A Serious Man


...and some others but i got tired of making this retarded list.


Posted by Lucas Green

This man raises some very good points and adds tremendously to the civil debate over God.

Friday, September 04, 2009

I Hate Saxophone Music

Posted by Lucas Green

This video is cool in almost every way. The drummer supports the rest of the band very nicely, the trumpet is just superb and Marcus Miller, of course, is slapping that bass like a back talking bitch. I just can't stand saxophone music so the cool level of this piece (and any other I can think of) goes from sky high to a cheesy low whenever the saxophonist starts playing.
I don't understand it, I love horns. You put almost any kind of horn in anything and I'm moving, man. I dig it. I just feel exactly the opposite when that horn is the saxophone.

Anybody feel the same way?